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High School Summer Abroad Blog

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  • France

It All Sinks In at Mont Saint Michel

By Bethany Malcolm at CIEE

This past Saturday, the French Honors group went on an excursion to Normandie, specifically to the culturally important UNESCO site of Mont Saint Michel. Students enjoyed wildflowers and views of... keep reading


Initiation à la Danse Bretonne

By Rebecca Fortgang at CIEE

Put on your dancing shoes and join our students in some traditional Breton dances. On Thursday students took a dancing class with 4 professional instructors who guided the group through... keep reading


Vannes, Concarneau, Locronan, Trévarez -- Oh my!

By Doreena Fox at CIEE

This weekend, the students traveled to the historical region Cornouaille on the west coast of "la Bretagne," visiting Vannes, Concarneau, Locronan, and Trévarez. They departed Saturday morning for Vannes, the... keep reading


Playing Detective : Escape game in the Marais !

By Lindsay Krulock at CIEE

This past Thursday, our students took it to the bustling streets of the Marais to participate in an interactive escape game, called ClueZ. The Marais, or the “Marsh”, is a... keep reading


Au revoir, Paris!

By Anna Jarnagin at CIEE

Wow! What an amazing final week the HSSA Fashion Design students had! We started the week with an awesome trip to Lyon, France, where we were able to immerse ourselves... keep reading


Musée du Parfum Fragonard - Awaken your Sense of Smell!

By Elizabeth Mbunya at CIEE

Students were welcomed to the Musée du Parfum Fragonard as amateur perfumers for a guided tour unveiling the extraordinary history and manufacturing secrets of French perfume from antiquity to the... keep reading


Exploring Art Through the Ages: From Graffiti to Masterpieces at the Musée de Beaux Arts de Rennes

By Stephanie Segretto at CIEE

After immersing themselves in the vibrant street art of Rennes yesterday, students embarked on a new cultural adventure at the Musée de Beaux Arts de Rennes (Rennes' Museum of Fine... keep reading

Is that French or Occitan I Hear?

By Cheryl B.

On a beautiful afternoon in Toulouse, students in the High School Study Abroad Global Navigator Program enjoyed an introduction to the Occitan language through traditional music and dance. Occitan is... keep reading


Excursion au Marché de Lices

By Stephanie Segretto at CIEE

Saturdays in Rennes come alive with the vibrant energy of Le Marché de Lices, an open-air market set on the historic jousting grounds of the Middle Ages. As the second... keep reading


A Hands-On Experience with Street Art

By Bethany Malcolm at CIEE

Today, the Honors students in Rennes got to learn the history of graffiti and street art, see examples of various types of street art, and (legally) practice it themselves! Together... keep reading


Strike a Pose!! Musée de beaux-arts de Rennes!

By Doreena Fox at CIEE

This week the students have been learning about the many different forms of art, including paintings, architecture, dance, music, and cinema. On Tuesday, the students had the opportunity to visit... keep reading


Alors, on danse!

By Jeff Pageau at CIEE

How do you define "culture"? You might think of aspects like food, music, or style of dress. But what about dance? When you think of Poland, you might of the... keep reading


Oui Chef! Chouquettes Coming Up!

By Joseph McFadden at CIEE

Upon watching Top Chef, Anthony Bourdain, the Bear or even Jacques Pépin who hasn’t dreamed of being a chef with French training? Of course it’s classic and lesser known pastries... keep reading


A Look Into the World of Airbus

By Noah Curtin at CIEE

Airbus is integral to the history and future of Toulouse, France. The titan of the aerospace industry is based right here in the city and employs 23,000 of its residents... keep reading


Aerospace Engineering Meets French Culture and Sweets

By Jamie Pothier at CIEE

In addition to Aerospace and Engineering high school students learning about aviation and space, students also learn about the French language and culture. Today’s French language workshop included a French... keep reading