Stephanie Kimlicko
Stephanie's Program
Find Your Flow and Row, Row, Row!
The overarching theme of this fourth and last week is personal development. Students are working on a multimedia project about their experience in a foreign country, making cultural comparisons with... keep reading
Cancale: Environmental Protection and Marine Biodiversity
Our weekend excursion on the Emerald Coast (“Côte d’Émeraude”) included participation in environmental awareness activities. Following a picnic on a small beach in Cancale, we met up with a member... keep reading
Introduction to Street Art
As part of a unit on the arts, students in the Honors Language and Culture program spent Tuesday afternoon with two local graffiti artists. They walked through streets of Rennes... keep reading
Nothing’s “butter” than French desserts!
On Wednesday afternoon, students in the Honors Language and Culture program participated in a cooking workshop. They made two specialities from the Brittany region: “petits sablés bretons” (small butter cookies)... keep reading
We left our mark on Paris!
All students got to be street artists this week, either Thursday or Friday. We went to a skate park in Bercy, in the 12th district, where a professional artist taught... keep reading
A boat tour on the Seine
Tuesday was a warm and sunny day--perfect for a visit of Paris by boat! Following a morning of language classes and a leisurely lunch break, we walked towards the Seine... keep reading