Cancale: Environmental Protection and Marine Biodiversity

Programs for this blog post

Honors French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Stephanie Kimlicko

Our weekend excursion on the Emerald Coast (“Côte d’Émeraude”) included participation in environmental awareness activities. Following a picnic on a small beach in Cancale, we met up with a member of a local organization whose mission is to promote respect and protection of the region’s natural environment. Students and program leaders received buckets and gloves, and we were instructed to pick up anything that looked like waste while walking across the beach. Although the beach looked very clean at first sight, our buckets were quite full an hour later. As we emptied each bucket, we sorted all the waste into categories (e.g. plastic, clothing, metal, glass, netting, cigarette butts). 

In the discussion that followed, students answered questions and learned about the origin of each type of waste, as well as the harm they can cause to marine life, and also to humans and pets. Among the items that were picked up as waste were also cuttlefish bones, which may look like plastic due to their white color and smooth shape, but were returned to the beach since they are in fact part of the natural environment.

We continued our discovery of the local environment with a boat tour around the bay. Aboard three Zodiac boats, we enjoyed gorgeous views of the coast, as well as fresh air and blue skies. During our hour-long boat ride, students learned about the types of dolphins and seals that can be found in the area. Although they did not see any, some students got to hold a spider crab, which was trapped in a stray lobster crate we picked up on the way. We also stopped by an islet that is a protected site of ornithological research. The boat tour was a highlight for everyone, and this afternoon on the beach and at sea guaranteed a good night of sleep at the youth hostel.