Nothing’s “butter” than French desserts!

Programs for this blog post

Honors French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Stephanie Kimlicko

On Wednesday afternoon, students in the Honors Language and Culture program participated in a cooking workshop. They made two specialities from the Brittany region: “petits sablés bretons” (small butter cookies), and “caramel au beurre salé” (salted butter caramel). While these may sound like simple recipes, they involve intricate steps, such as separating an egg yolk from the white, not overmixing the dough so it doesn’t become sticky, and slowly pouring cream into melted sugar while swirling the pan. In addition to discovering cooking techniques, students learned new vocabulary words that are specific to cooking, such as “clarifier un oeuf” (separating the yolk from the white). And of course, they also learned (if they hadn’t already noticed), that butter is a staple of this region. Students will receive copies of these two recipes, so make sure you ask them to make these treats for you when they’ve returned home!