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CIEE Staff

HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders



First Day of Service/The Best Smelling Farm in the World!

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Hola a todos! So sorry for not posting yesterday--we had some technical difficulties! Yesterday, after waking up refreshed and ready to go in Guanajuato, we loaded up our camioneta and... keep reading


More about Camp and Puerto Plata!

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Thank you to Raegan + Sienna for their guest blog post! On day 10 of our service and leadership program in Santiago, DR, we had our second day of summer... keep reading


Students prepare a traditional Peruvian dish (lomo saltado) and one dessert (alfajores)

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

CIEE HS Language & Culture Program in Pisac, Perú (Session II) - Student participants prepared lomo saltado (a kind of stir-fried beef with onions, vinegar, ginger, chili pepper, tomatoes and... keep reading


Fun Filled Food Days in Seoul!

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

The explorers had a fun filled day in Seoul after a day in class analyzing kpop music videos beyond a superficial level uusing university level analysis. We then split into... keep reading


Working Hard and Having Fun

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Today marks the half way mark of our adventure with the Portland Global students! This milestone is both exciting and a little sad. So many friendships and memories have already... keep reading


Nuestra primera callejoneada

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Students took Guanajuato by storm this week by participating in a callejoneada. GTO has 3,200 callejones or alleys/passageways. A callejoneada is a chance to see these passageways in a new... keep reading


Dancing in the Moonlight

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Olá amigos! Today was jam packed with ideas and debate as students discussed "Ocean Literacy" and how to use this tool for sharing the value of our world's ocean with... keep reading


Mont Saint-Michel and Dinan - Leslie E.

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Bonjour! France has left me speechless since I first stepped foot in this beautiful country. If you didn't think it could get any better than the galettes of Bretagne or... keep reading


Le Musée de Beaux Arts de Rennes

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

On Tuesday for our Into the Community activity, we got to tour the Musée de Beaux Arts de Rennes -the Fine Arts Museum. Although it is smaller than many of... keep reading


Mokolodi Nature Reserve

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Mokolodi Nature Reserve! We've had a busy few days--traveled about 15 kilometers south of the city to Mokolodi Nature Reserve! Upon arrival we were met by guides and taken on... keep reading