Working Hard and Having Fun

Today marks the half way mark of our adventure with the Portland Global students!

This milestone is both exciting and a little sad.  So many friendships and memories have already been formed and students have learned so much- in class and through our experience around Maine.  This morning we studied customers, buying habits, and theories of distribution.  The exciting part of the day came in the afternoon as students spread out through downtown Portland to survey tourist and locals.  They worked hard in groups to develop surveys to give them insight on products and services they are developing.


Students are always eager to get out of the classroom for experiential learning; they enjoy interacting with new people and visiting the local shops to conduct "research." Their products and services are heavily influenced on the opinions recorded in their surveys.


In addition to working hard, students are enjoying playing hard.  In their free time there are many competitive games that challenge them, but also strength their friendships. We have spent many evenings teaching each other card games, magic tricks, songs, and board games.  


We are half way done with the program, but the memories and friendships will last a lifetime!
