First Day of Service/The Best Smelling Farm in the World!

Hola a todos!

So sorry for not posting yesterday--we had some technical difficulties! Yesterday, after waking up refreshed and ready to go in Guanajuato, we loaded up our camioneta and headed off to San Miguel de Allende. Upon arrival, we finally got to meet the families that we'll be staying with for the next 3 (ish) weeks. It was great to hear the students report back today about how much fun they had on their first afternoon with their families!

Today was our much anticipated first day of service at The Lavender Project. We were welcomed with open arms by Ausencio, Efraim, and Alejandro--a few of the people in charge of the project. Over the next couple hours, we learned about the lavender's journey from little more than a tiny twig in the ground to becoming essential oil, soap, part of a scented pillow, among other things. After taking in a lot of new information and eating a delicious lunch, we got our hands a little dirty, removing the petals of the lavender plant from a dehydrated stalk (not as easy as it sounds!). We are very excited to continue our service tomorrow and will certainly have more great pictures for all of you to see.

We would also like to say a big FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS to Mercedes, who turned 15 today! #quinceañera #blogfame

Hasta pronto, and enjoy the photos! 



Searching for the perfect esquete (a twig that is cut from a living plant that, when re-planted, will grow into a completely new plant!) (Note: "esquete" may be spelled incorrectly--we'll get our research team on that, stat!)

Happy Wren, perfect esquete

Marcos (Marcus) found a good one too!

A beautiful photo of the fields, courtesy of Saeef!