Santiago DR

High School Summer Abroad Blog

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  • Botswana

Student Blog Takeover Part Two

By Blythe Stovall at CIEE

Wildlife Conservation in Gaborone, Botswana - Session 1 - Week two blog - On Friday, June 21st, we went to a local private school in the city. Legae Academy is... keep reading


Student Blog Takeover Part One

By Blythe Stovall at CIEE

Day 2 - We woke up at 6:45am and got ready for breakfast. Then we headed out to Boma Center where we would have our lessons that day. First we had a lesson on biodiversity and conservation methods.


Hello Gaborone

By Blythe Stovall at CIEE

Hello from Gaborone, Botswana! After a few long days of travel, all the global navigators have arrived! We are staying at Mokolodi Nature Reserve during our time in Gaborone. The... keep reading

Goodbye Session Two Global Navigators

By Devin S.

To our Session Two Students: Hi Friends, Alrighty, y’all already know we think that all of you are absolutely awesome…but strap in because we're gonna say it one more time... keep reading

The Okavango Delta

By Devin S.

Lions, cheetahs, elephants, oh my! That’s how it goes right?...well that fits perfectly with our time in the Okavango Delta! Monday we went on a game drive and were wowed... keep reading

Cooking and Cuttin’ Up Trees

By Devin S.

After a very busy few days, the Global Navigators had time to wind down on Sunday. However, they stopped by the kitchen in the morning to help the Mokolodi staff... keep reading

Sunrises, School Visits, and Host Families

By Devin S.

Dumalang! Oh boy, I know I have a lot to catch you up on, so let's jump right in! Wednesday morning was an early one! We woke up before the... keep reading

An Unusual Classroom

By Devin S.

Dumela! Our Global Navigators have been learning tons recently! We’ve had several lessons so far ranging from the tourism industry to ecosystems to the history of Botswana’s conservation efforts. Navigators... keep reading

Let the Adventures Begin!

By Devin S.

Hello everybody!! Welcome to Session Two's first blog! The Global Navigators made it safely to Gaborone, Botswana this afternoon, which will be their home for the next three weeks. It... keep reading

Farewell to Our Navigators

By Devin S.

To our Session 1 Kiddos: It was with watery eyes and a couple of sniffles that we dropped you off at the airport. However, we know we’re sending you off... keep reading

Into the Okavango!

By Devin S.

Aaaaaaand we’re back! Did ya miss us? Sorry to keep you waiting while we’ve been roaming the beautiful country of Botswana, but you’ll forgive us once you hear about our... keep reading

Bus Rides, Rhino Sanctuaries, and Birthday Parties

By Devin S.

Dumelang, friends and family! Boy have I got some stories for you. We left our beloved Mokolodi Nature Reserve yesterday and headed for the Khama Rhino Sanctuary near Serowe. It... keep reading

NGO Day!

By Devin S.

Hello, hello! As promised, today was NGO day! We divided into three groups and visited the Kalahari Conservation Society, Birdlife Botswana, and Leopard Ecology and Conservation. Kalahari Conservation Society is... keep reading

Bahurutshe Cultural Village and Animal Care

By Devin S.

Happy Tuesday! I think the phrase of the day is “new experiences.” While all that we have done so far have been phenomenal activities for the Global Navigators to learn... keep reading

Biodiversity in Botswana

By Devin S.

What a great day to make new friends! Today our Global Navigators traveled to the Kgale public school. This differed from Legea Academy which was a private school. Our Navigators... keep reading