Mokolodi Nature Reserve

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Botswanan Wildlife Conservation

Mokolodi Nature Reserve!

We've had a busy few days--traveled about 15 kilometers south of the city to Mokolodi Nature Reserve!

Upon arrival we were met by guides and taken on a two-hour nature walk in “the bush.” Students walked to the picnic spot for a traditional lunch and then we had our first game drive!

We saw impala, giraffes, kudu, zebra, warthog, ostrich, wildebeests (& visited the cheetahs)! 

Headed back to the campsite afterwards, had a braii and youth were able to ask Glen, the conservation manager at Mokolodi, questions for their final projects. Then off to bed!

Day two woke up and had a morning  game drive just after the sunrise. Students were then split into groups to help out with some animal feeding around the reserve. Feeding consisted of a mixture of hay and chicken manure. 

Getting all the chicken manure loaded into the truck

After feeding the animals, we all ate, attended a lecture on the human-wildlife conflicts within Botswana and took a tour of the reptile park. 

Glen holding a python that's about to be re-released into the wild

We spent our last morning at Mokolodi eating some breakfast, then off to the cultural village of Bahurutshe!

On the way we stopped by the David Livingstone Memorial, a missionary who assisted in the creation of the first church in Botswana in 1847. 



While there students also walked along the Kolobeng river and found some good rocks to climb on.

From there we headed to the cultural village of Bahurutshe where students ate lunch and were able to participate in a few activities...

  • Helped to stamp corn
  • Learned more about how to create mud walls out of cow manure
  • Donkey ride to the cattle field
  • Feeding the goats

From there we drove back to UB where our host families met us!

**This may be the last post until the end of next week. Friday morning (July 21) were off to…..

  • Serowe to visit the Khama Rhino Sanctuary (and do  a few more game drives)
  • Maun (this is where we’ll catch a flight into the Okavango Delta)
  • Oddballs campsite in the Delta (nature walks, picnics in the bush, riding around in mokoros)

We’ll be returning the night of July 27th. We’ll have limited Wi-Fi throughout the week so communication will be sparse!

-Jing & Alaina