High School Summer Abroad Blog
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Hacienda Yaxcopoil and Community Conversations
On Monday, students traveled to Hacienda Yaxcopoil to learn about the production of henequén, which is used to make products such as ropes, bags, and other crafts. Although henequén was... keep reading
Uxmal and ChocoStory Museum
This week, our students traveled to the archeological site of Uxmal, where they saw buildings and pyramids from the Mayan civilization. They also learned about the legend of Uxmal, in... keep reading
Service and Leadership Takes on Yucatecan Cuisine
In addition to their daily workshops and service in the community, students in the Service and Leadership program also participate in cultural activities each afternoon. These activities allow them to... keep reading
Cooking and the Zoo
This week has been busy! After our trip to Valladolid, we started the week off with a cooking class. Participants learned how to make chayitas, lomitos de Valladolid y arroz... keep reading
On our trip to Valladolid, we had the chance to explore one of the Yucatan's most treasured natural features - cenotes. Cenotes are freshwater pools that were created by meteorite... keep reading
Comedor Zarigueyas
Throughout the last several weeks of service, students have been exposed to various community organizations that provide nutrition to communities in Merida. On Monday, students visited a community in Merida... keep reading
Chichén Itzá
This weekend, students left Mérida to go on our overnight trip to Valladolid. This trip has been one of the most memorable experiences for our students as they were able... keep reading
The Scientific Community of Sisal
Often scientists and researchers are perceived as professionals who work behind closed doors in labs, far from the view of the general public. On Tuesday, students had the opportunity to... keep reading
Visiting a Community Kitchen
The saying goes that many hands make light work, and that is exactly what we saw on display on Monday for our first service activity of the week. After their... keep reading
Week 2 Adventures
This week, students are diving into the culture of Mérida. They participated in a workshop about the Day of the Dead (El Día de los Muertos), or as it is... keep reading
Beach Day in Mexico
This past Saturday, students ended week one with an excursion to the beach. After the group met at a local mall we made our way one hour north to the... keep reading
Beach Day
After a very busy week of making friends, starting classes and getting acquainted with host families and Mérida, our program participants were ready for a day of fun at the... keep reading
Apiary Visit
As you drive through Merida, you will see many small businesses dispersed throughout the city center and residential areas. It is hard to ignore the beauty and significance of these... keep reading
Getting to know Mérida
Today, students got to explore Mérida and get to know its historic and cultural center, which is very close to the CIEE center. They set out in groups on a... keep reading
Orientation at AMANC!
On Tuesday, our second full day in Yucatan we visited our primary service location, AMANC, The Mexican Association for Helping Children with Cancer. We toured the building and met a... keep reading