Getting to know Mérida

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Mexican Culture

Authored By:

Shannon Grand

Today, students got to explore Mérida and get to know its historic and cultural center, which is very close to the CIEE center. They set out in groups on a scavenger hunt to places such as Santa Lucía Park, the Peon Contreras Theater, the San Ildefonso Church, and the Yucatecan Government Palace. They also stopped by a taqueria, as well as a typical Yucatecan clothing store, where they sell guayaberas (shirts, normally for men) and ternos (embroidered traditional dress for women). They also visited Santa Ana Park, the beautiful church Parroquia de Santa Ana, and Donia Way's house. Here are a few highlights from the trip: 

Posing with the "confidentes" at the park. Can you guess what this word means? 

Students at Santa Lucia Park

Viewing the murals at the Palacio de Gobierno (Yucatecan Government Palace). The mural pictured here is in reference to the Popol Vuh, an important sacred text of the Mayans, which tells of the creation of people from corn.

Students at the Yucatecan Government Palace

La Casa de Donia Way, or Donia Way's House. 

Students at Donia Ways House

Students had a great time familiarizing themselves with the city and now feel confident navigating Mérida's center throughout the program!