College Study Abroad Blog


Gangnam Style

By Christina D.

My trip to Gangnam was an exhilarating blend of modernity and style, perfectly capturing the vibrant energy of this iconic district. I began by visiting the famous Gangnam Style statue... keep reading

Hanbok at the Gyeongbokgung Palace

By Christina D.

Wearing a hanbok at Gyeongbokgung Palace was a magical experience that made me feel like a princess from a bygone era. The vibrant colors and intricate designs of the traditional... keep reading

Train to Busan

By Christina D.

My trip to Busan was a delightful blend of adventure and relaxation. After a scenic three-hour train ride, my first stop was the Cheongsapo Daritdol Observatory, where I marveled at... keep reading

Hike Insubong Peak of Bukhansan National Park

By Christina D.

My hike up to Insabong Peak in Bukhansan National Park was nothing short of extraordinary. The trail, adorned with lush greenery and vibrant wildflowers, led us through serene forests and... keep reading


Asia vs. Europe Travel: Which is Better for Study Abroad?

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

Choosing between Asia vs. Europe as the backdrop of your study abroad experience can be quite a challenging decision! Each continent offers unforgettable cultural experiences, immersive academic opportunities, and life-changing... keep reading


Intercultural Adjustment in France & Culture Shock

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

While traveling and living abroad, having an open mind is key to understanding and appreciating cultural practices and customs that may be different from your own. I have studied about... keep reading


The 13 Best Gifts for a Study Abroad Student in 2024

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

Are you looking for the best gifts to give someone traveling abroad? Perhaps you need to find some study abroad gifts for a student planning to study overseas. You've come... keep reading


Japan Blog

By CIEE Kyoto at CIEE

Authored by Shannon Coryell “Don’t be nervous, it's going to be awesome,” is what my Dad said when he dropped me off at the Chicago airport. I knew my study... keep reading


Santiago vs. Buenos Aires: Which is Better?

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

When it comes to choosing a study abroad destination in Latin America, two cities often come to the forefront: Santiago, Chile study abroad, and Buenos Aires, Argentina study abroad. Both... keep reading


Australia vs. New Zealand Study Abroad: Which is Better for You?

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

You’ve decided to study abroad in the Oceania region. Congrats! You’ve taken the first big step in your study abroad journey. Next up? Choosing between Australia vs. New Zealand study... keep reading


Botswana Braais: The Heartbeat of Social Unions

By CIEE Gaborone at CIEE

Authored by: Ruby Pitinyane Botswana, a country known for its quality beef production, vast landscapes and rich cultural heritage, holds a special place for the tradition of braais. A braai... keep reading


Ireland Traditions and Culture You Should Know

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

Known for its lush landscapes and rich history, The Emerald Isle offers a unique blend of Irish traditions in Ireland that captivate visitors and locals alike. From its ancient Gaelic... keep reading


Study Abroad New Zealand: The Ultimate Guide

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

Known for its rich Māori culture, majestic mountains, pristine beaches, and top-ranked universities, New Zealand study abroad is a life-changing, once-in-a-lifetime experience. From its unparalleled natural beauty to its reputation... keep reading


Mon expérience au début du séjour à Rennes : le dépaysement

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Comme la plupart des gens qui aspirent à voyager autour du monde et vivre de nouvelles expériences et cultures, j’étais ravi d’être accepté au programme intensif d'été à Rennes (Summer... keep reading


Should I Study Abroad in Spain or Italy?

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

When weighing your study abroad options, it’s easy to get stuck on a few favorite destinations. We get it! After all, we offer a ton of different study abroad programs... keep reading