College Study Abroad Blog
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Thrive in 2025 with CIEE Study Abroad’s New Programs
If you’re seeking an enriching study abroad or international internship experience in 2025, look no further than CIEE Study Abroad! With our expanded academic portfolio expanding that now includes tons... keep reading
Possibility, Purpose, and Peace: Lessons From Japan
Authored by Alyssa Y. Bullock It is rare for a place to teach you a lasting life lesson and even rarer still for a place to teach you three. Japan... keep reading
Hygge: One of the best parts of Danish culture
Written by: Grace Beaster a student from: Open Campus Sring Block 1 2025 One of the best parts of Danish culture that I’ve discovered while here is a concept called... keep reading
Kyoto Article
Authored by Oscar Alvarez One of the most challenging parts of studying abroad is choosing the location to study in. I did one block in Argentina, another in Germany, and... keep reading
How to Study Abroad: 5 Steps to Apply with CIEE
Ready to live a study abroad experience all your own, but wondering how exactly to study abroad? Great! H ere’s everything you need to know to get started with CIEE... keep reading
How to spend your free time in Copenhagen
Written by Evan Dobkin Fall Block 1 student: While studying abroad in any location, there are times where you will find yourself free of plans. How you spend this time... keep reading
How Much Does it Cost to Study Abroad in 2025?
@cieestudyabroad Let’s talk money! Funding your study abroad program may seem daunting, but we’re here to help! #cieestudyabroad #studyabroad #expenses #financialaid #scholarships #grants #studyabroadtips Flight of the Mitoglider - Myriad... keep reading
Japan Blog
Authored by Shannon Coryell “Don’t be nervous, it's going to be awesome,” is what my Dad said when he dropped me off at the Chicago airport. I knew my study... keep reading
My Time Abroad in Japan
Authored by Luigi Medel Greetings, my name is Luigi Medel and I have just returned from a semester abroad in Japan and have been granted the opportunity to write about... keep reading
"Running as a lifestyle", Andrea Adam Moore, CIEE Center Director
Andrea Adam Moore is the Director of the CIEE Center in Berlin. She is one of the real "berliners" of the team, but also very connected to USA, after living... keep reading
Study Abroad with CIEE Shanghai - Open Campus Block
By Christina Li - Open Campus - Spring 2024 CIEE Shanghai When I first landed in Shanghai in February, I was nervous about being part of a new culture, surrounded... keep reading
How Does Studying Abroad Work?
So you found some locations you'd like to visit, programs you'd be interested in applying to, and courses relevant to your major, but have you ever wondered, "How does studying... keep reading
My Favorites From Each of My Open Campus Blocks
By: Olivia Hegerfeld For my study abroad experience, I chose to do the CIEE Open Campus block where I got to stay in three different locations for a whole semester... keep reading
What is Study Abroad? Everything You Need to Know!
@cieestudyabroad Study Abroad 101 #cieestudyabroad #studyabroad #internationalstudent #collegemajors #collegelife #students #scholarships #studyabroadprograms #internships hollywood - rchie Every student hears about it, but what does study abroad mean , anyway? How... keep reading
Ratul Rauniar: “Berlin has been a breath of fresh air”
Ratul Rauniar Pradhan is one of our students from Open Campus Spring 2024 studying in Berlin. He is originally from Nepal, Kathmandu currently a junior in Gettysburg College, Pennsylvania, where... keep reading