MacKenzie Kennedy
MacKenzie's Program
Student Project: Shared Respect
During this program, the participants worked in groups to create projects reflecting their experiential learning from the last three weeks. The following is a selection from Sabrina Addo and Maya... keep reading
Tying Up Loose Ends
With only a few days left in our program, we are embracing every opportunity to make lasting memories and reflect on our incredible journey. One of the highlights of this... keep reading
Empowering Future Leaders: Volunteering at Villa Mahmud Memorial Future Leaders School
Our group is excited to be volunteering with Billa Mahmud Memorial Future Leaders School. Founded under a mango tree in 1998, this school has grown significantly over the years and... keep reading
Weaving Through History: A Weekend in Ghana’s Heartland
Last weekend we had the incredible opportunity to visit the Ashanti region of Ghana. Nestled in the heart of the country, this region is rich in history, culture, and tradition... keep reading
Bead-azzled by Tradition
Our summer study abroad experience in Ghana has truly been an eye-opening journey filled with cultural immersion and hands-on learning. One of the most memorable moments during our time here... keep reading
Student Feature: Dawn of the Final Day (by Diana Zepeda)
“There’s 21 days or 3 weeks of Leadership and Service and Session 2 comes out just to end it. “ - Phineas and Ferb, Opening Song (Heavily Edited). Today is... keep reading
Student Feature: Walking Over to a Better Me (by Emily Parra)
“How do you not know what a block is?” I am asked, disbelief overflowing in my friends’ tones. They have just informed me that we are three blocks away from... keep reading
Student Feature: The Temptation of Tap Water (by Thanh Duong)
Drink the tap water. This has encapsulated my internal monologue for the past 10 days in Mexico. For all that everyone tells me not to drink the tap water, I... keep reading
Guagua (Bus) Tour of Historic Mérida
We ended our first week in Mérida with a bus tour of the historic areas of the city. The group enjoyed getting to know the city better and learning about... keep reading
¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Yazmin!
This week at the AMANC Center we celebrated the 12th birthday of an adorable girl named Yazmin. The CIEE students wrote her cards and made her gifts. A student used... keep reading