High School Summer Abroad Blog
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Student Project: Shared Respect
During this program, the participants worked in groups to create projects reflecting their experiential learning from the last three weeks. The following is a selection from Sabrina Addo and Maya... keep reading
Tying Up Loose Ends
With only a few days left in our program, we are embracing every opportunity to make lasting memories and reflect on our incredible journey. One of the highlights of this... keep reading
Visiting Ghana’s First Cocoa Farm
Student Blog Takeover: Milo and Anthea visit Ghana's first cocoa farm
Coconuts, Kubes and the Scientific Method
Student blog takeover: using the scientific method in our cultural explorations.
Empowering Future Leaders: Volunteering at Villa Mahmud Memorial Future Leaders School
Our group is excited to be volunteering with Billa Mahmud Memorial Future Leaders School. Founded under a mango tree in 1998, this school has grown significantly over the years and... keep reading
Weaving Through History: A Weekend in Ghana’s Heartland
Last weekend we had the incredible opportunity to visit the Ashanti region of Ghana. Nestled in the heart of the country, this region is rich in history, culture, and tradition... keep reading
Bead-azzled by Tradition
Our summer study abroad experience in Ghana has truly been an eye-opening journey filled with cultural immersion and hands-on learning. One of the most memorable moments during our time here... keep reading
Akwaaba Ghana
Welcome to Ghana! In the local Twi dialect, Akwaaba means “welcome” and perfectly describes the warm welcome we’ve received over the last two days. Greetings and hospitality are an integral... keep reading
Strangers To Friends?
When students, with the help of their parents and legal guardians sign up for the CIEE Global Navigators High School Summer Abroad program, they often do so aware that they... keep reading
Tradition Goes On At The Ntonso Adinkra Village
Among the people of Ghana, many traditional garments used for socio-cultural ceremonies like child outdooring and naming, marriage, funerals, festivals and general gatherings carry messages. These messages can often indicate... keep reading
Basic Twi for Going Out and About in Ghana
Like many other African countries, Ghana is multicultural and multilingual. Linguistic scholars like Opanin Agyekum say there are 50+ or 70+ Ghanaian languages depending on who is counting and how... keep reading
Saturday in the City
Early Saturday morning, the Global Navigators set out on their city tour; it was finally time to dive into the bustling environment that they had been surrounded by for the... keep reading