Bead-azzled by Tradition

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Leadership & Service in Children's Education

Authored By:

MacKenzie Kennedy

Our summer study abroad experience in Ghana has truly been an eye-opening journey filled with cultural immersion and hands-on learning. One of the most memorable moments during our time here was when we had the opportunity to participate in a beading workshop with talented local artisan and beloved CIEE homestay mother, Auntie Vivian. She introduced us to the rich tradition of beadwork in the Accra area of Ghana. 

Beadwork holds a special significance in Ghanaian culture. The beads in this region are known for their vibrant colors and intricate designs, making them highly sought after. Auntie Vivian explained to us the importance of these beads in Ghanaian traditions. 

Under Auntie Vivian’s guidance, we delved into the intricate art of bead making, selecting beads of various shapes, sizes, and colors to create our own one-of-a-kind pieces. The beading workshop allowed us to fully immerse ourselves in the craft and express our creativity in a tangible form. It was the perfect relaxing activity after several full and busy days. 

We are incredibly grateful to Auntie Vivian and our other instructors for generously sharing their time, knowledge, and skills with us. Their patience and expertise not only helped us hone our beadwork techniques but also deepened our appreciation for the craft and the culture it represents. As we proudly wore our handmade creations, we couldn’t help but reflect on the meaningful connections we have forged thus far with the people and traditions of Ghana. This beading workshop was not just about creating beautiful jewelry. It was about coming together, learning from one another, and celebrating the rich tapestry of Ghanaian heritage. We are so excited for our future cultural activities!