Seminars in Ghana

Programs for this blog post

Leadership & Service in Children's Education

Authored By:

Clifford Briggs

Returning from our travels to Kumasi, the students returned to class and shared with their instructors the experience for them. Students were eager to discuss the assignment of curious and obvious photos to demonstrate their knowledge of how to interpret and interact within new environments and how to capture those moments of curiosity. Discussions are lively and filled with detail and continue to be an opportunity for students to express their feelings, collaborate with peers on what they have seen and also get clarity on things they have seen that register as abnormal because of cultural differences. 

Using the D.E.I. Method, given by their instructors, students are encouraged to be critical thinkers and keen observers. Description, Evaluation & Interpretation have helped students to properly assess their individual and collective experiences in Ghana.

As the program persists, students will be working in small groups,  preparing for group presentations to conclude session 1. Group presentations will be a collection of photos that reveal their experiences here in Ghana. Students are excited for the gathering of photos and the sharing of their collection of memorable moments that they will never forget!