Allons-y à Rennes!

Programs for this blog post

Honors French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Stephanie Segretto

Ça commence! After a couple of flights and lots of conversations and making new friends, we have arrived at our final destination of Rennes, France. For those who don’t know, Rennes is the capital Brittany, a region that appropriately prides itself on its maritime traditions, rich Celtic culture and language.  

Our students were warmly greeted by their new host families before being whisked away to their new homes for the next 4 weeks. Tomorrow, they will begin their intensive French courses and afternoon excursions, fully immersing themselves in the French language and Breton culture. Despite the long day of travel, excitement was in the air.

We can't wait to see the students dive into their studies and explore all that Rennes has to offer. Here’s to an unforgettable adventure filled with learning, growth, and countless memorable moments!

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