View from the Eiffel Tower
CIEE Staff

Tracy Gallo

Fashion Design & French Culture Paris, France
Hometown: Irvine, CA



Parlons avec des ados français!

By Tracy Gallo at CIEE

During week 3 of the 4 week program, the PARIS students had an opportunity to meet with some local French teens! What an amazing opportunity! During their OZ en français... keep reading


Les pâtisseries pour tout le monde!

By Tracy Gallo at CIEE

During week 2, the HSSA Paris students were treated to a baking lesson! They learned how to prepare the dough for cream puffs and éclairs (pâte à choux). They were... keep reading


Learning Spanish in Seville

By Tracy Gallo at CIEE

Spending a month in a country where you want to learn more about the culture and improve your language proficiency and fluency requires patience, dedication and a positive attitude. The... keep reading


¡Cocinamos en Sevilla!

By Tracy Gallo at CIEE

We are in week 2 of the Language and Culture program in Sevilla, Spain. We started this week with a cooking class on Monday and Tuesday. With over 50 students... keep reading


Paris Plages

By Tracy Gallo at CIEE

In July some of the quais of the Seine are transformed into "beaches" for the Parisians who are not able to leave the city for vacation. Sand, lounge chairs, beach... keep reading


Pétanque Anyone?

By Tracy Gallo at CIEE

Truly experiencing the culture and lifestyle in France...students learned how to play Pétanque, the French version of Bocce Ball, in the Jardins des Tuileries. This beautiful park is located between... keep reading


Pastry Chefs for an Afternoon

By Tracy Gallo at CIEE

Paris is known for the amazing museums with priceless art and sculptures, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and of course pastries! When you visit France, you shouldn't be on a... keep reading


A Picnic at the Farm

By Tracy Gallo at CIEE

It is our last week in Toulouse...students and Program Leaders are feeling many mixed emotions. On Wednesday, all 54 students and 1 host brother, gathered together for a picnic lunch... keep reading


Oooh la la... it's the Concorde!

By Tracy Gallo at CIEE

Toulouse is a popular destination in the south of France which attracts many tourists each year because of it's location, food, architecture, history, and friendly residents. It is also home... keep reading


Hip Hop Workshop

By Tracy Gallo at CIEE

What is Hip Hop? It's a dance style that was created in the 70's by Afrika Bambaata in the Bronx to create a positive movement uniting adults and children in... keep reading

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