Learning Spanish in Seville

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

Tracy Gallo

Spending a month in a country where you want to learn more about the culture and improve your language proficiency and fluency requires patience, dedication and a positive attitude. The students here in Sevilla, Spain spend 3 hours each morning attending classes at the EUSA campus. They were put into appropriate language levels based on the STAMP test they took prior to their arrival and an oral component with a local Spanish teacher.

Each class runs from 9-12 with one 15 minute break around 10:15. At 11:30, the Program Leaders join the class to observe and to discuss with the students what they will be doing for their "Into the Community'' activity once class ends. The "Into the Community '' activities take place Monday-Thursday and allow the students to use the language they have been working on in Sevilla. The Program Leaders take them into the community for conversations, cultural experiences, games, and once a week they meet with a guest speaker about the weekly topic for their project. Students are able to ask the guest speaker questions in Spanish, even in level 1!

On Fridays, students present their weekly project to their classmates, teacher and PL. Throughout the week, they write, take pictures, and organize their project into a Google slideshow. They incorporate what they learned and used throughout the week in class into their projects. It's always great to hear the students speaking in Spanish and seeing their growth each week.