Pastry Chefs for an Afternoon

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French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Tracy Gallo

Paris is known for the amazing museums with priceless art and sculptures, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and of course pastries! 

Photo for blog post Pastry Chefs for an Afternoon
Photo for blog post Pastry Chefs for an Afternoon
The facade of Notre Dame is still beautiful despite the fire.

When you visit France, you shouldn't be on a diet! Don't deprive yourself of the sweet, heavenly pastries that are found everywhere in the boulangeries and patisseries. 

Photo for blog post Pastry Chefs for an Afternoon
Seriously, who can say no?? PC: Deb

Our students spent an afternoon learning how to make chocolat fondant (chocolate lava cake) and tarte aux fraises déconstruite (deconstructed strawberry tart). Some of the new vocabulary they learned while baking; goûter (to taste), le goût (the taste), la gramme (gram), le chapeau (the top of the strawberry), la tranche (slice), farine (flour), la fleur (flower). The chef instructors were excellent and very impressed with the level of French and comprehension of our students.

Photo for blog post Pastry Chefs for an Afternoon
Photo for blog post Pastry Chefs for an Afternoon

The students really enjoyed this afternoon workshop. Hopefully they will make these sweet treats for their families and friends when they return to the US!