Julia Nawa
Julia's Program
Cultural Fusion Fest in Yokohama
It feels like we just got to Tokyo and now week one is officially over; time really does fly by when you're having fun! For groups 3 and 4, we traveled to Yokohama this weekend for a one day adventure in Japan's second biggest city.
日本へよこそう! Welcome to Japan!
「日本へよこそう」meaning "welcome to Japan" is typically one of the first things students heard as they arrived in Japan! As students made their way from all over the country, we all finally made it to Japan!
My final goodbyes to the 2023 Summer Tokyo Language and Culture Program. Thank you for all the good memories kids and I hope you all continue to learn Japanese; if not, I hope you enjoyed your summer in Japan!
Searching High and Low in Tokyo Skytree
At 634m high, Tokyo Skytee is the tallest tower in the world and the tallest building in all of Tokyo. Being the pinnacle of Tokyo, both of Skytree's decks are... keep reading
Student Blogger: Christie @Tokyo Team Labs: A Submersion Into The Arts
Program participant, Christie Bedu, shares her a piece of her day from Friday, June 23rd, 2023 when our group visited Odaiba's Tokyo TeamLab Planets, an interactive, immersive, full body art museum. In this blog post, she shares her feelings while going through the exhibit, her favorite pieces, and her experience of the art she interacted with.
Exploring Tokyo's Infamous Shrine & Temples
In our first two weeks, the students have had the opportunity to explore so many different tourist locations such as Tokyo Sky Tree and Sunshine City Aquarium. In the Language... keep reading