Cultural Fusion Fest in Yokohama

Programs for this blog post

Japanese Language & Culture

Authored By:

Julia Nawa

It feels like we just got to Tokyo and now week one is officially over; time really does fly by when you're having fun! This first week was about getting used to life in Japan! The students are becoming more comfortable and independent in traveling from school to excursion to homestay and really enjoying their time here in Japan. For groups 3 and 4, we traveled to Yokohama this weekend for a one day adventure in Japan's second biggest city. 

We visited the Nissin Cup Noodle Museum, a fun and interactive museum that showcases the history of Nissin's infamous instant ramen noodles with a combination of whimsical exhibitions and hands-on workshops. Nissin's founder invented instant ramen noodles in 1958 as a fast and convient food that we all enjoy around the world. 

The students were able to participate in one of the hands-on workshops, My Cup Noodles Factory, where they designed our own cup noodle cups and created a custom ramen to our own liking! The students really enjoyed the freedom of expression on their own ramen noodle cups and is a fun and cheap お土産 omiyage, or souvenir, to bring back to the States!

After exploring the museum, we walked over to Yokohama's Chinatown where the students were set free to explore and have lunch. Historically, Japan has always been closed off the world, but Yokohama was the first Japanese port to be opened to the world for foreign trade in 1859. At this time, many Chinese traders settled in Yokohama, but today there are more businesses than residents who live in the area. The students were able to immerse themselves further in a cultural fusion of Japan and China. There are many different kinds of Japanified Chinese cuisines to be had, including several street foods and ramen of course! 

To finish off the day, the students had the choice between two museums in Yokohama: Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Cultural History and Yokohama Port Museum/Nippon Maru. We divided off into what they were interested in and they were free to explore and learn about the history of the Kanagawa Prefecture and Yokohama.

Overall, this weekend was jam packed with activities and exploring a different corners of Japan. The students really enjoyed themselves and time with their friends on this weekend excursion with only more to come in the coming weeks ahead! Stay tuned to what week 2 brings us!