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CIEE Berlin

Summer in Berlin January in Berlin Global Architecture + Design Summer Global Internship Global Internship Open Campus Block Berlin, Germany

When you study abroad in Berlin, you’ll gain the inside scoop on Europe’s largest economy with a variety of personal and professional opportunities. Regarded as one of the world’s most remarkable cities, studying abroad in Berlin is sure to amaze you with its unique history, gorgeous architecture, and vibrant arts scene.



"Running as a lifestyle", Andrea Adam Moore, CIEE Center Director

By CIEE Berlin at CIEE

Andrea Adam Moore is the Director of the CIEE Center in Berlin. She is one of the real "berliners" of the team, but also very connected to USA, after living... keep reading


Alyssiah Green: "I was the first one in my family to get a passport, and after this experience, I will always encourage people to find the opportunity to go abroad"

By CIEE Berlin at CIEE

Even though a few months have passed since the Alyssiah, student from J-Term studiend in Berlin, we wanted to share part of her experience with you all! Alyssiah Green is... keep reading


Postcard from Abroad: Learning to Leave My Bubble in Berlin, Germany

By CIEE Berlin at CIEE

By Vincent DiFonzo Almost every time I ride on Berlin’s metro system, the U-Bahn, I am reminded of one of the many little quirks of living in Germany—the German stare... keep reading


Jenae Tiki Matikke, Program Leader of 2023: "After serving as a PL, I would tell students to take this opportunity to grow, broaden their horizons, and meet amazing people from different walks of life!"

By CIEE Berlin at CIEE

Jenae Tiki Matikke, is one of our previous Programs Leaders of the High School Summer Abroad program 2023. She is originally from Virginia Beach, but currently living in Tennessee. She... keep reading


Ratul Rauniar: “Berlin has been a breath of fresh air”

By CIEE Berlin at CIEE

Ratul Rauniar Pradhan is one of our students from Open Campus Spring 2024 studying in Berlin. He is originally from Nepal, Kathmandu currently a junior in Gettysburg College, Pennsylvania, where... keep reading


Izzy: “ Living with a host family is knowing that you always have support with the perspective of a local”

By CIEE Berlin at CIEE

Izzy Alexander is one of our students that participated on the program “January in Berlin 2024”. She is originally from North Carolina, and currently is studying English, German, and Linguistics... keep reading


Kate Miller, Open Campus Student: “I have had a life changing experience during my time here”.

By CIEE Berlin at CIEE

Kate Miller is one of our Open Campus students of this Fall Semester 2023. She has been studying and doing her internship at a local startup called Tuesday Coworking, environmentally-conscientious... keep reading


Biking around Berlin: Olivia´s tips to enjoy the city

By CIEE Berlin at CIEE

Olivia is one of our Open Campus students for this Fall 2023 semester. She is from California and is used to doing spots and enjoying the outdoors! She is currently a student at Colorado State University. In this interview, she tells us more about her time in Berlin!


From Charleston to Berlin: Jasmine Syffus, Open Campus student from Fall 2023

By CIEE Berlin at CIEE

Today we interviewed Jasmine Syffus, one of our students of Open Campus Fall 23 Semester. She arrived on august and has been enjoying her time in Berlin. She lives in... keep reading

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