Christine Yardley
Christine's Program
I am a lifelong educator and traveler, and I love to share my passion for learning and travel. I began my teaching career in Costa Rica, where I taught English as a foreign language for two years. In Pennsylvania, I teach high school Spanish, French, and Social Studies. In addition to living in Costa Rica for 2+ years, I studied in Brussels, Belgium for one year and traveled and volunteered for six months on six continents with my four children. In total, I have taught for 20 years and have traveled to more than 40 countries. I have worked as a CIEE program leader for French Language & Culture in Toulouse, France and Spanish Language & Culture in Barcelona, Spain.
Student Spotlight: Unforgettable Barcelona
Global Navigator Max Laban traveled from Seattle to Barcelona to participate in the Spanish Language & Culture program. He shares his experience here. This summer, I had an unforgettable month-long... keep reading
Creative Ceramics
Mañana venid pronto, que haremos cosas muy bonitas. ~Antoni Gaudí During the third week of the Spanish Language and Culture program in Barcelona, the students went to La Ceramicaría to... keep reading
La Sagrada Familia
Sagrada Familia is the iconic attraction in Barcelona, and the Spanish Language & Culture students had the opportunity to tour the magnificent basilica this week. Before our visit, the students... keep reading
The Barcelona Adventure Begins
On Sunday, more than 100 students from all over the United States arrived in Barcelona. After a short journey from the airport to the CIEE center, they met their host... keep reading
Connecting with the Young People of Toulouse
One of the best parts of the French Language & Culture program is meeting the people of Toulouse. For one of our afternoon activities, the students split into four smaller... keep reading
Trying Rugby in Toulouse
Qui ne saute pas n'est pas tou-lou-sain! Since we arrived in Toulouse 3 weeks ago, we have heard a lot about rugby. The city’s rugby team Stade Toulousain won the... keep reading
Exploring the Medieval City of Carcassonne
During the second weekend of the French Language & Culture program in Toulouse, the students participated in two different trips. One group visited Domaine du Thoré, where they experienced bread... keep reading
New Perspectives at Cinéma ABC
« On n’est pas d’un pays, on est de son enfance. » -Cesira, Interdit aux chiens et aux Italiens The students in Toulouse had an opportunity to experience the language... keep reading
Hip Hop in France
«On peut danser partout, et c’est cela qui est beau.» -Hervé Kourbi Each morning the 62 students in the Language and Culture program in Toulouse study French for three hours... keep reading