CIEE Staff

Ann Chapman

Advocating for Social Justice Dublin, Ireland
Hometown: Chicago, IL

Ann Chapman is a high school Spanish teacher transitioning into the field of school counseling. While originally from the Chicagoland area, she has lived in Wisconsin, Vermont, Spain, the UK, and currently New Mexico. When she is not teaching or traveling, she can be found hiking in the Sandia mountains, talking on the phone with friends and family, or tending to her many plants. 



Exploring Ireland's Global Influence

By Ann Chapman at CIEE

On the third and final Wednesday of the trip, students spent the afternoon learning about the Irish diaspora. This included a visit to The Jeanie Johnston and EPIC - the... keep reading


Adventure in Carlingford

By Ann Chapman at CIEE

For the second weekend of the trip, students ventured up north to Carlingford, a town located on the Cooley Peninsula. The theme for the weekend was adventure and outdoor activity... keep reading


Learning from a Local Advocate - Homelessness in Dublin

By Ann Chapman at CIEE

Throughout the trip, students have been exploring the ways in which they can advocate for various social justice causes. One cause in particular that they have been learning about is... keep reading


Farm Fun and Team Bogging

By Ann Chapman at CIEE

The first week of classes went by quickly, and the weekend arrived. On Saturday, the students were able to get out of Dublin and visit Causey Farm in County Meath... keep reading


Arriving in Dublin!

By Ann Chapman at CIEE

After a long day of travel, students finally arrived in Dublin on a beautiful and sunny Sunday morning. Even though they were tired and fighting jet lag, they were still... keep reading


Gymkhana and Pizza!

By Ann Chapman at CIEE

As a way to celebrate the end of our month together and put students’ newfound knowledge to the test, we challenged students to a treasure hunt (Gymkhana) throughout Madrid. Each... keep reading


Playa, Fallas, and Paella in Valencia

By Ann Chapman at CIEE

We brought our third week in Spain to a close with a fun-filled weekend in Valencia. Our bus left shortly after classes let out on Friday. Unfortunately, we experienced a... keep reading


Piragüismo y Segovia

By Ann Chapman at CIEE

On Saturday, June 15 we met bright and early for a day trip to the Province of Segovia (just north of Madrid). Our first stop of the day was at... keep reading

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