Arriving in Dublin!

Programs for this blog post

Advocating for Social Justice

Authored By:

Ann Chapman

After a long day of travel, students finally arrived in Dublin on a beautiful and sunny Sunday morning. Even though they were tired and fighting jet lag, they were still able to start enjoying the city with a short walking tour near the residence building. It was a great way to start getting acquainted with the area. 

The walking tour led us to The Landmark, a traditional Irish pub, where students enjoyed their choice of either a burger or fish and chips. It was a great opportunity for students to get to know one another and enjoy some live music. With their stomachs full, they returned to the residence building and called it an early night. 

On Monday, students began familiarizing themselves with Dublin's public transportation. They rode the bus from the residence hall to the CIEE classrooms at the All Hallows Campus where they participated in orientation. After eating lunch, they ventured to the city center. Students were especially interested in The Portal, which allowed them to wave in real time to the people in NYC. They continued exploring the city center and experienced the Viking Splash Tour. It was an opportunity to see more of the city by land and water while wearing a Viking helmet. 

Students then returned to the residence building for dinner - Irish stew and Soda bread. It was a nice ending to a busy day. It has been an eventful first couple of days!