Piragüismo y Segovia

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

Ann Chapman

On Saturday, June 15 we met bright and early for a day trip to the Province of Segovia (just north of Madrid). Our first stop of the day was at the Parque Natural Hoces del Río Duratón, a national park where we had the opportunity to go kayaking (piragüismo). The river was calm and the views from the river were beautiful. Our guides helped us navigate the river while also pointing out the local fauna and wildlife. We had to be especially careful not to disrupt the nesting birds in the park.

After working up an appetite from kayaking, we gathered in the kayak warehouse to eat our sack lunches. It was a great opportunity to relax in the shade and rest our tired arms before heading over to Segovia capital for more fun and exploration.

As we drove from Parque Natural Hoces del Río Duratón to the city of Segovia, students had the opportunity for a short siesta on the bus. We needed to keep our energy levels high since there was so much to see. When we arrived in the city of Segovia, we gathered by the famous Roman aqueduct. We discussed the aqueduct’s origins, and students learned that the aqueduct was constructed without the use of mortar to hold the stones together.

We then walked from the aqueduct to the Alcázar of Segovia (the castle). As we made our way through the winding, brick-paved streets to the castle, we passed by Plaza Mayor and the Cathedral. Before going inside to explore the Alcázar, students learned a few fun facts about the castle:

  • La Reina Isabel was enthroned at the Alcázar
  • It is rumored to be the castle that inspired Walt Disney's castle
  • The castle was also home to the Real Colegio de Artillería (a military academy)

After exploring the inside of the Alcázar, students had some free time to explore the city. Many chose to get some helado (ice cream) to enjoy before the bus ride back to Madrid. We arrived back in the city around 7:30 pm bringing our first week together in Spain to a close.