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For 70 years, we’ve had a single mission

To help people gain understanding, acquire knowledge, and develop skills for living in a globally interdependent and culturally diverse world by bringing the world together through the most meaningful exchange programs available. 

Today, we advance our legacy as the leading nonprofit international education organization by facilitating 50,000 exchange experiences for people from 136 countries each year.

Featured Post


CIEE Celebrates the 2023 Frederick Douglass Global Fellows

By Communications at CIEE

Twelve diverse student leaders to conduct a study of social justice leadership in America, South Africa, and Ireland. CIEE is pleased to announce the 2023 Frederick Douglass Global Fellows, twelve... keep reading

Featured Post


CIEE Expands Study Abroad Portfolio – England & Scotland

By Communications at CIEE

CIEE is pleased to announce the expansion of our portfolio in Great Britain to feature 20+ study abroad and internship programs in three dynamic English and Scottish cities. Starting in... keep reading

Featured Post


Students Receive Free Passports as Passport Caravan Returns to Campus

By Communications at CIEE

CIEE recently partnered with Arizona State University (ASU) and Indiana University to host Passport Caravan events on campus, providing free, on the spot passports for students at each school. Since... keep reading

High School Summer Abroad

Exploring Shanghai - Visiting Yu Garden and Old City God Temple

By Bo Liu at CIEE

On July 18, students visited the Yu Garden (豫园)and the Old City God Temple (城隍庙) in downtown Shanghai. During the excursion, students walked with their peers to explore the history... keep reading

High School Summer Abroad

Lisbon Tile Museum and Language and Culture Tour

By Alyson Coppola at CIEE

Over the past two days students have been exploring Lisbon and discovering more about its' rich culture and history. Students began their day at the Museu do Azulejo, or National... keep reading

High School Summer Abroad

Taipei 101

By Miao Juan Lao at CIEE

As we wrap up our chapter in South Korea, our global navigators head to Taiwan to delve deeper into the diplomatic relations between the two countries. After their experience in... keep reading

College Study Abroad

Korea Cafe Culture

By Asher Ruth P.

Cafes in Korea are on a completely different level. As someone who grew up in the States, this was such a lovely surprise. Korean cafe culture is a pride here... keep reading

High School Summer Abroad

Species and Surfing: Two Days on the Portuguese Coast

By Julianne O'Connell at CIEE

The second week of the program saw our Global Navigators exploring the water in all capacities. We got out of the classroom and into the field with tide-pooling and surfing... keep reading

High School Summer Abroad

Defining, Developing, Designing, & Discovering: How Station and Copenhill inspired our creative thinking

By Marina Tavarez at CIEE

This newsletter was created by Michael Glazkov, student guest blogger, and edited by the CIEE Global Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Europe Team. Goddag og velkommen (Hello and Welcome), It has... keep reading

High School Summer Abroad

Playing Detective : Escape game in the Marais !

By Lindsay Krulock at CIEE

This past Thursday, our students took it to the bustling streets of the Marais to participate in an interactive escape game, called ClueZ. The Marais, or the “Marsh”, is a... keep reading

High School Summer Abroad

Student Spotlight - Elizabeth Ross, New Lasting Friendships

By Rihane Zoubairi at CIEE

I think friendship has a different meaning depending on who you're asking and what season of their life they are in. The dictionary defines friendship as “the emotions or conduct... keep reading

High School Summer Abroad

First Sight of the Irish Sea

By Natasha Rosa at CIEE

In Dun Laoghaire, the students explored the Sunday market and the wide variety of food trucks. They got their first sight of the Irish Sea and had the chance to... keep reading

High School Summer Abroad

Art to dye for

By David Drumm at CIEE

There's something about bright colors and patterns that helps make the hot days of summer a little more bearable. These students created magnificently colored "te-nugui", (literally "hand towels"), by using... keep reading

High School Summer Abroad

Visit to Coffee Farm owned by local woman

By Dayana Gomez at CIEE

Students visit local coffee farm.

High School Summer Abroad

Week 2: Food, Leadership, Casablanca, Darija, and more food!

By Rihane Zoubairi at CIEE

Week two has been full of surprises and fun, and it's almost over! Thursday was especially interesting as we learned so many new things and visited Casablanca! With Madiha, our... keep reading

Go to the USA

Professional Career Training USA: Edlyn's Story

By Professional Exchange Programs at CIEE

Computer Animation Trainee at JibJab Media, Venice, California In addition to developing her skill set, Edlyn relished her visits to California's national parks and Comic-Con in San Diego. The best... keep reading

Go to the USA

Professional Career Training USA: Edward's Story

By Professional Exchange Programs at CIEE

12 Month Training in Cancer Research at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts Edward became inspired, made wonderful friendships, and contributed to critical research on his training program in... keep reading

Go to the USA

Professional Career Training USA: Emmanuel's Story

By Professional Exchange Programs at CIEE

10 Month Training In Marketing at Sports Endeavors Inc. In Hillsborough, North Carolina Emmanuel explored the country and made lasting friendships, while building valuable skills in marketing. This is the... keep reading