Species and Surfing: Two Days on the Portuguese Coast

Programs for this blog post

Aquatic Ecosystems & Sustainability

Authored By:

Julianne O'Connell

The second week of the program saw our Global Navigators exploring the water in all capacities. We got out of the classroom and into the field with tide-pooling and surfing! Not only did this allow our students to try new activities but we also got to visit two new beaches. It’s been great to hear the feedback from students on which beach has been their favorite.

On Wednesday, one of the groups spent the morning exploring Cascais, a popular tourist spot 40 minutes outside of Lisbon. They wandered the colorful streets and did some shopping before gathering together for lunch in a local park where we were joined by ducks, chickens, and seagulls. It was hard for the students to not feed the ducks but, given what we are studying and learning, we understand the importance of respecting the local fauna by not interfering with them. Still, it was fun to be surrounded by so much nature, especially for our instructor, Gus, who has exhibited an excitement and fondness for ducks!

After lunch we had some free time at Praia das Avencas (praia means ‘beach’ in Portuguese). The water was cold but a welcome reprieve from the heat. We had to wait for the tide to go out for us to begin our tidepool exploration but once we did the students could not be stopped. 

Students put on their scientists’ hats and took samples of rocky intertidal ecosystems. They identified sea strawberries and small prawns and warty crabs and starfish, amongst other species. For two hours students would go out in small groups and collect species and then we would come together to talk about what we found. Through this fieldwork students were able to connect what they are learning in the classroom within the context of coastal ecosystems. Despite a few pink cheeks and backs (sorry parents, the Portuguese sun is no joke) a lot of fun was head. Check out the photos above to see some of what we found.

The next day, Thursday, the fun continued with surfing! We crossed the bridge in Lisbon to head toward Costa da Caparica, a beautiful stretch of beach on the Atlantic Ocean. Unlike the beaches near our accommodation, Praia Do Banheiro, had clear water and small waves, perfect for jumping in and learning to surf. For two hours our group of 38, 35 students and 3 PLs, clad in our wet suits and colorful rash guards, rode the waves, and engaged in a popular Portuguese pastime. Our instructors gave us a short lesson and big push and we were off. It was great to cheer each other on and learn a new skill. Many students said it was their favorite activity of the program so far and several said they wished they could do it all day. 

Once the lesson was over, we devoured lunch on the beach and had a few hours to swim, play in the surf, and nap, some in the sun and some under umbrellas. We also were treated to a delicious Portuguese pastry, Bolas de Berlim, which we were told is a popular snack to enjoy at the beach. Between the salt, the sand, and the sugar from the donut, it was a sensory experience all around.

After a perfect beach day we went to a local artist market for dinner and shopping in the evening. Students were able to shop, eat, listen to live music, and dance, and we celebrated the belated 16th birthday of our student Meredith.

We’re past the halfway point now and are looking forward for all the activities that are still to come! We hope you’ve enjoyed following our journey and can’t wait to share with you the rest of our Portuguese adventures!

Until then,

até breve!