Looking Back with Fondness The last three weeks have been filled with learning, laughter, and relationship-building. Students will leave Estonia with a strong understanding of the local government and the... keep reading
One of the greatest advantages of the Diplomacy and Peace Studies program in Estonia is the opportunity to live within the walls of Old Town in the capital city of... keep reading
Week one is officially in the books! Check out the video below for a glimpse into the life of students in the Diplomacy and Peace Studies program here in Tallinn... keep reading
What an unforgettable first few days in Tallinn, Estonia! Our Diplomacy and Peace Studies program truly hit the ground running and our first three days after arrival where all about... keep reading
The last fews days have been more exceptional experiences in Estonia. Getting to meet have lunch with high level international business leaders and diplomats from the Baltic-American Freedom Foundation (BAFF)... keep reading
This week was filled with incredible experiences like the Beach of Parnu, The Midsummer's Eve Celebration at the Estonian Open Air Museum, experiencing the amphitheater venue for the Estonian Singing... keep reading
This has been an incredible week filled with exceptional life experiences. Finn says, “every day is a new experience. I know what is on the planned agenda, but every day... keep reading