Week 1 in Tallinn

Programs for this blog post

Diplomacy & Peace Studies

Authored By:

David Sapienza

This has been an incredible week filled with exceptional life experiences.

Finn says, “every day is a new experience. I know what is on the planned agenda, but every day is filled with surprises.”

Joseph added on that, we are having daily once in a lifetime experiences from meeting with the Former Prime Minister in Parliament to a private tour of the presidential palace, and getting to meet very important influential people every day.

Vara has enjoyed getting to meet with so many important leaders. The opportunity to ask them poignant questions and have interesting conversations has been a highlight.

In addition to the amazing learning experiences of the program, the students have also had great cultural experiences exploring Old Town Tallinn, visiting the KGB cells of the Soviet occupation, and exploring Balti Jaam Market.

Ben wrapped up the week well in saying, “This trip has already opened so many more doors and allowed for more real life experience than I’ve ever gotten. Meeting so many high level people is truly something that you cannot find by simply traveling; This is more than a vacation.”