Week 3 Blog

Programs for this blog post

Diplomacy & Peace Studies

Authored By:

David Sapienza

The last fews days have been more exceptional experiences in Estonia.  Getting to meet have lunch with high level international business leaders and diplomats from the Baltic-American Freedom Foundation (BAFF) was incredible opportunity to exchange ideas.  Learning about NATO Cyber Security policies and preventative procedures was truly enlightening.  There were some very cool and fun experiences too like the Adventure Park and a day trip to Haapsalu.  I look forward to hearing their Final Projects analyzing and synthesizing their learning and research over the last 3 weeks.      

From the Students' point of view...

Doing the takeover while on a trip to Haapsalu was one of the biggest highlights of the program. I got to answer questions, capture my colleagues’ opinions on the program, and explore an old Estonian castle.  Vara


During this week I would say I finally got used to the schedule and got to better enjoy our activities and was more energized for the rigorous but super fun events like the Nõmme Seikluspark.  Ben


When asked by BAFF board members to talk about whether or not the program met my expectations, I responded that this opportunity has exceeded my expectations in so many life impacting ways. Russell.


Tallinn has been a great connection between old and new and how it will influence the future. Tyler