Week 2: Guanajuato

I’m loving my stay here in Guanajuato so far. I can’t believe it’s already been 2 weeks. It makes me sad to think that I’ll be leaving my new friends when I have to go back to the US, especially my host family. They’re so nice. They invited me to their church on Wednesday, and I found it interesting. It was pretty much like my church/mass in the US. The only difference is that there are a bit less people and it’s a lot shorter. I thought it’d be as long or longer than my mass back in the US.

My schedule here is also a bit different here in Mexico Than it is in the US. Here, I wake up at about 7:30 to get ready for school, compared to 5:30 in the US. Then, I go downstairs to eat breakfast with my host family (usually my host brother). In the US, I usually have breakfast at school or just don’t eat breakfast at all. I eat the lunch my host mother makes me, compared to the lunch the school provides in the US. School goes until between 1 or 3, and since everything here is so close by, I can have time to spend with friends after school without having to worry about getting home late. When I get home, I eat with my host family, as I do at home in the US.

After we eat, we take time to ourselves to do anything we need to do, such as homework for me. Usually in the US, I stay in my room. But here in Mexico, I spend more time with family. I play cards with my host brother and his friend or I talk with my host family. We then usually have a small snack before we go to sleep, like I do in the US.

This weekend, we went to Mexico City for 3 days. It was amazing! We went to so many places, but I have to say that the Museo Nacional de Antropología e Historia was my favorite. I find the history of Mexican ancient civilizations interesting, so going to that museum was amazing fun for me. We also went to the pyramids of Teotihuacan, which were great (but very tiring to climb). I hope to have a lot more fun here in Guanajuato!

-Brandon L.