Week 2: Guanajuato

I have greatly enjoyed my host family’s home in Guanajuato because it is close to everything in the city. My spanish classes are only a 5 minute walk from my home which means extra sleep!

My home in México is different than my home in the US because my home here is a mixture of outside and inside. The hallways have opened spaces in which the beautiful city can be seen. On the top floor there is a terrace where you can get a spectacular view of the city at night.

A typical day in Guanajuato:

  • I usually wake up around 8:20 am to get ready for Spanish classes
  • My host mom then prepares a delicious breakfast to give me energy for the day( Example being delicious eggs with ham and a fresh, crusty bolio)
  • I then walk to my Spanish classes which are at the local university of architecture which takes around 5-8 minute
  • I then engage with my level 3 class where we discuss the topic of the week and ways to promote that topic. This can be done by going into the community or talking with our host families about other ways to be immersed into the culture.
  • I then return home and eat with my family around 3pm. My mom feeds us plenty of yummy food that ranges from rice with flautas to soup with fresh quesadillas.
  • I then take a shower in my room and prepare for the next great day.

-Roberto M.

'Global Navigator Voices' is a collection of blog articles and pictures by our very own high school study abroad participants. Follow their adventures before, during, and after their experiences abroad!