Week 1: Guanajuato, Mexico


I’m finally here in Mexico, and I love it already. My host family is amazing. They’re very kind and I love spending time with my host brother. I also love my classmates. They’re so social and kind. The teacher does a good job of teaching us and keeping us on track. People are surprised I speak Spanish so well. They ask me how I can speak it so well and I tell them it’s because my parents are Mexican so they only speak to me in Spanish. This has given me an advantage because I can easily communicate with everyone here, both in English and Spanish.

The class is great. We get to learn new words/grammar all the time and we take plenty of breaks to relax. The program gives us plenty of time to practice the language, as well as spend time with friends. This surprised me the most. I didn’t think I’d be able to spend time with my friends but I actually can, and I can still practice my Spanish at the same time. It’s great. I love how I am forced to speak the language to people who only speak Spanish, unlike in the US, where we can still easily speak English without worry. Overall, I’m loving it so far and I’m excited for week 2!!!

-Brandon L.

'Global Navigator Voices' is a collection of blog articles and pictures by our very own high school study abroad participants. Follow their adventures before, during, and after their experiences abroad!