The Royal Highlights

Programs for this blog post

German Language & Culture

Authored By:

Christine Littmann

The days are going quickly, with so much variety!  This past weekend our groups went out to Potsdam and took a tour of Schloss Sanssouci – the palace built by Frederick the great in 1747.   Students saw rooms filled with baroque style furniture, damascus draped walls, and one room that looked like an indoor garden named after Voltaire- a guest of Frederick. Outside, students walked through the amazing gardens.

In addition to the palace, students had the chance to explore the city of Potsdam, visit Schloss Cecilienhof (site of the Potsdam Conference), or go out to the Glienicke Bridge (the famouse "Bridge of Spies")

Other moments so far this week include an afternoon at the DDR Museum to experience the life of former East Germany, and a trip to the Maybachufer Markt for a chance to practice their German while buying food and other products.

Bis bald!  =  See you soon!