Remembering the Past: Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

Programs for this blog post

German Language & Culture

Authored By:

Erin Munsie

Today our students journeyed north of Berlin to visit an important yet difficult memorial: the former site of the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp.  This site now serves as a memorial where visitors can learn about the atrocities that took place here between the years of 1936 - 1950 as well as to honor the victims of the Holocaust.  Though the tour can be a difficult one to process, the students learned a great deal.  Sachsenhausen was not only operated by the Nazis from 1935 - 1945, but it was also used as camp by the Soviets from 1945 - 1950 in former East Germany.

Students had many questions to ask the tour guides, both factual as well as questions trying to understand the horrors that took place at Sachsenhausen.  After our guided tour, students had time to meet with Program Leaders and other participants to process the day.