Gastfamilien in Berlin // Host Families in Berlin

Programs for this blog post

German Language & Culture

Authored By:

Erin Munsie

We love our host families! We have three guest bloggers (Malcolm, Eliana and Tyler) from our Berlin Language and Culture Session I program who are sharing about their experiences with their amazing host host families.  Read about a bit of their experience here in Berlin with their host families and see the pictures they've shared.


Malcolm, 16 years old, Dallas, Texas 

This is my host family!! My host parents are Kathrin and Igor. Igor is from Nürnberg, Germany and Kathrin is from Switzerland. I also have a host brother Aaron who is from California and was a former host student of Kathrin and Igor. My host family was very easy to get comfortable with and they are all really cool people. My host mom Kathrin is an AMAZING cook and my host dad Igor is an intense Fußball fan just like me. Also my host brother Aaron is a really outgoing and cool person to hang out with. I’ve done all kinds of cool things with my host family like going to the public Fußball viewings, going to the Baltic Sea beach, celebrating my birthday and more. Overall, I think I’m very lucky to have such a great host family!!


Eliana, 17 years old, Houston, Texas

Over the past three weeks, I have had the pleasure of staying with Rebekka and Cheyenne while I study Language and Culture here in Berlin. It has been a truly amazing opportunity and I consider myself lucky, not just because I’m having the summer of my dreams, but because I was placed with the most wonderful host mother possible. 

Even before I physically met Rebekka, she was already showing her kindness through her messages and reassurances as I prepared to go across the world for the first time ever. One of my many worries about coming to Germany was that I would be sad and lonely without my mom, who I have a deep connection with. However, Rebekka has made me feel like her own child during my stay here. From worrying over me while I was sick to taking me out on a long city tour when I’m sure she was tired from a week of working, she has done everything in her power to not only make me feel welcome, but also make my homesickness nonexistent. 

She constantly encourages me to speak in German, even when I mess up or feel stupid, and insists that I’m doing well even if I feel like I’m not. We share a number of things in common, like our love of books and music and psychology, which I find extremely lucky. 

One of my favorite moments with her so far has been when she gave me an Egg for breakfast one morning, in a tiny cup with a tiny spoon. I was confused, so she showed me what to do. I had to cut it open with these strange little scissors, and then scoop out the inside with the small spoon. I had only ever seen these things in old period pieces, so I was beyond excited. I think she was a little shocked at my reaction, she said she had never seen someone so excited over an egg. I couldn’t explain to her that this was LITERALLY a dream come true. 

Rebekka has become a second mother to me, and I really am not looking forward to leaving her. However, I know that our relationship will be lifelong. I am so beyond grateful to have been placed with her, I couldn’t imagine living in Berlin with anyone else!


Tyler, 15 years old, Los Angeles, California

My host family took me to Cologne, Germany our first weekend in Berlin.  During my trip to Köln, visiting the cathedral was an unforgettable experience. The sheer size and intricate details of the Cologne Cathedral left me in awe. The long climb up the tower, though tiring, was worth it for the breathtaking view of the city and the Rhein River. The history of the cathedral fascinated me, and I enjoyed learning about its construction and significance. It was incredible to see such a historic landmark up close and to be able to appreciate it. 

My host family played a big role in making my trip to Köln so memorable. They were incredibly welcoming and made me feel right at home. We spent a lot of time together exploring the city, and they taught me about German culture and traditions. Their kindness and support helped me adjust quickly and enjoy my stay. I was grateful for the strong bond we formed, and it made my experience in Germany even more special. Overall, my visit to Köln and the time spent with my host family were highlights of my trip.