First day of classes and visit of a French High School

Programs for this blog post

Honors French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Sophie Cowley
French Honors Class


Participating in a CIEE High School Study Abroad Program is all about learning. Today the students in Rennes had their first day of classes in the morning and after a quick lunch (according to French standards anything less than an hour is "fast food") the students went to a local French High School for a visit and to learn about the French education system.


Active participation


They were welcomed by a group of French students currently in 11th grade who took the time to answer their questions and give them a tour of the campus. 

The immersion program's main focus is for the students to practice and improve their language fluency. During the visit at the local high school the HSSA students each asked a question in French and were able to establish comparisons, similarities and differences between their own high school experience and the French system.

Conversation with French students

During the tour, the students visited many areas such as the cafeteria, the students lounge and the library (called CDI in French). The students really enjoyed browsing the many books available to check out but a few were disappointed not to be able to do so (désolé!)

Visit of the CDI

Once the visit is over most students returned back to their host families, as many are still trying to adjust to the time change,  to start working on their weekly project (Week 1 Theme:  Cultural Encounters)