Discovery of the Park de la Bourbansais

Programs for this blog post

Honors French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Sophie Cowley

While traveling with CIEE, our students from the HSSA program in Rennes continue exploring our world in authentic settings. 

This week's theme is "Discovery" with a focus on an important current issue in our global society. In class, the students worked in pairs on a specific awareness campaign about a subject of their choice.  They interviewed the local public, observed and compared cultures and perspectives and came up with their own conclusions and possible resolutions. 

Lama & Poney

Today our group of high-schoolers spent an afternoon in an amazing Animal Park on a beautiful historical domain called "Le Domaine de Bourbansais". This particular park is all about educating the public and preserving endangered species. The goal of CIEE is continuing education outside the classroom. Not only the park cares for over 60 endangered species it is located on this beautiful historical property. "The park participates in various EEPs (European Livestock Programs), real scientific projects for the protection and management of animal populations threatened with extinction in the wild."

Our group had the opportunity to watch two live shows (birds and dogs) as well as appreciate the beautiful French countryside among manicured gardens and groves of vernal greenery.

ailes d'aigle