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HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders



Fair Well Party Already.....What?????

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Yes, this is our last weekend here in Guanajuato and we are all sad to think it is almost over :( Yesterday we celebrated and had a very nice time... keep reading


Nanjing Presidential Palace

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

One field trip last week was to the Presidential Palace. The site has a long history, having been used as for provincial government buildings during the Qing Dynasty, the capitol... keep reading


Our Trek to Victory

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

It was very enjoyable trip to Nanjing. It was absolutely amazing. Besides the heat and that terrible hike up those stairs. We started out from the Presidental Palace, to the... keep reading


Go Siame! (Goodbye)

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Thank you for a great experience students! Here is our final slideshow to help you remember all the adventures! -Alaina and Jing 3 keep reading


Hello from Kyoto!

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Hello from Kyoto! We arrived in Kyoto on Friday and our time here has been jam-packed with activities since our first day here. In Japanese, there's a proverb that goes... keep reading


Day 2 in Mexico City

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Today isn't over yet, but we still have a lot to report on already! After breakfast, we started out the morning at the National Anthropology Museum. Our tour guides, Pilar... keep reading


Day 19 Presentations at Peking University 在北大做报告

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

We start our last day in China today. After having a full breakfast of eggs, steam buns, and other delicious foods, we met down in the hotel lobby at 8:40... keep reading


Day 18 Morning Hike 早晨爬长城

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Please see the post from Abdul The early bird catches the worm. And caught the worm we did. Today we set out from our villagers home at 3:40 to go... keep reading


Student Profile: Nicolette Beguerisse

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

What can I say about Morocco? I mean words can't exactly describe my experience and everyone is truly different. What I can say is that this country has made me... keep reading


Walking and Waddling!

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Yesterday was an exciting day of service and sight seeing in the community of Langa, a township and suburb of Cape Town that is ridden with many inner-community hardships. We... keep reading