Day 2 in Mexico City

Today isn't over yet, but we still have a lot to report on already!

After breakfast, we started out the morning at the National Anthropology Museum. Our tour guides, Pilar and Rodrigo, gave us a tour of portions of the museum, educating us on Pre-Columbian societies in Mesoamerica. After soaking up all that knowledge, the students were turned loose on a scavenger hunt! 

Following the museum, we headed to Chapultepec Park (like Central Park in NYC, only about 6 times bigger!). There we bought some snacks and went out on the water in lanchas. After all that activity, we ate a well-deserved lunch in the park.

For our final activity of the afternoon we climbed to the top of a large hill in the park to Chapultepec Castle, where many Mexican presidents used to reside (it now serves as a tourist attraction). We toured the extravagant rooms and relaxed in the garden until it was time to head back to our hostel to relax before dinner. We're looking forward to our trip on the night tour bus through downtown Mexico City tonight!