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HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders



Finding Fish, Fun, and Friends in Troia

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

This morning was filled with sand, sun, and sea shells! We spent our morning traveling by ferry to discover species of brown, red, and green algae as well as sea... keep reading


City from Above and Below

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Today we took a cable car to the top of Table Mountain. It's common for pretty pictures of mountains to be used as screen savers or stock images, but it's... keep reading


Workshop Mondays

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Guten Tag aus Berlin! It has been an exciting week here in Berlin! We will have some guest blogs from students later this weekend, but I'll tell you about what... keep reading


La Fin de Deuxième Semaine

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Coucou tout le monde! We have officially reached the halfway point of our time in Rennes! The end of this second week has been full of exciting opportunities. On Thursday... keep reading


Dongdaemun Plaza

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Dongdaemun Plaza Presentation by ArNay Crew, Phoebe Bain, and Laney Dang Presentation


Day 11 Xian 西安

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Please see the post from Lily The train ride to Xi'an was bumpy and long, but it was all worth it when we got to the buffet breakfast at the... keep reading


Leaving Farm and Confucian Temple 离开农场和孔庙

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Please see the post from William Today we checked out from the hotel we were staying at to start our trip to Xi'an. We left the hotel at around 11... keep reading


Student Takeover- Marta Vinerte

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

On July 9th we - thirty emerging leaders from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - started our long awaited journey to the United States of America. After a long trip form... keep reading


A VERY early morning!

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Today we got up early, and when I say early, I mean REALLY early. We were up at 3:30 AM! Ay ay ay! Why? We met some of the local... keep reading


Seoul Photo Essay

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Seoul Photo Essay Taylor Zachary Following our arrival in Seoul, our time has been spent exploring and learning about the Korean culture and all it's intricacies. It's one thing to... keep reading