La Fin de Deuxième Semaine

Programs for this blog post

Honors French Language & Culture

Coucou tout le monde!

We have officially reached the halfway point of our time in Rennes! The end of this second week has been full of exciting opportunities.

On Thursday, we were all pretty wiped out from our excursion to Mont Saint Michel but a trip to Parc Gayeulles for the quartiers d'été woke us up! It's a festival designed by young people for young people and it happens every summer in Rennes.

We got to make screen-printed t-shirts with the festival logo on them and various other arts and crafts.


We played tir à la corde.

We learned how to play a Finnish game called Molkky.



 And we ate all kinds of snacks! Is anyone else starting to notice that all of our activities involve ice cream? No complaints here!


Friday is presentation day in class, and this week the students focused on creativity. They learned about classic and modern art, music and films and then practiced expressing opinions about them.

In the afternoon, we went to the centre commercial where students got to do a little shopping and figured out which stores they could go to if they needed to buy certain things. Some of us even coordinated outfits!

This weekend we have our second excursion to the pirate city of Saint-Malo! Stay tuned...