A VERY early morning!

Today we got up early, and when I say early, I mean REALLY early. We were up at 3:30 AM! Ay ay ay!

Why? We met some of the local women at Project Lavender to join them in grinding corn to make tortillas. Many local women get up early every day to use the corn mill so they can make tortillas. Each come with their buckets of corn to grind and leave with milled corn. It was quite the social gathering... all before the sun came up!

Afterwards, we joined Aracely to learn about some of Project Lavender's other social programs, including their community nutrition program. While we learned about their efforts to provide local children with healthy, nutritious breakfasts, we also learned how to make etole and donuts! (And they were delicious!)

Our last session of the day was spent learning how to mix, cut, and package soap and also how to embroider. What a day for our fine motor skills! 





After a full day and a very early morning, I am sure many of the kids will be going to bed bien temprano tonight!