Evan W.
Evan's Program
The End of One Journey, the Beginning of Another
Standing outside the new Dongdaemun Design Plaza in Seoul DDP You may have noticed recently that I have not been updating this blog. I have been bombarded with work here... keep reading
Back to the Gym!
The Dogwood festivals of Spring are approaching. I went to the gym for the first time in months today. Though it was invigorating lifting wieghts and using the equipment, I'm... keep reading
Stay Warm and Eat S'mores
Sitting at my desk in the teacher's room Recently, the days have been getting more attention from the sun. Even when it's cold in the morning, my apartment lights up... keep reading
Last Birthday in the ROK
After a long hike in Seoul back in 2012 with my recruiter and fellow TEFL teachers! This was my second day in Korea. Thank God March is almost here. I'm... keep reading
BKK and Beach Days
enjoying the day at Angthong Marine Park (the place that inspired Leonardo DeCaprio's "The Beach") Christmas. That's when you last heard from me. After Christmas I completed my English camps... keep reading
The Night Before Christmas and a UNESCO site later
Happy New Year! Saying Hi! during a teacher's trip Christmas is over but for Westerners abroad, Christmas never feels the way it feels back home. This past Christmas was not... keep reading
Holiday Spirit in Korea
It's the holiday season and what better way to show my holiday spirit than to make Egg Nog from scratch? So, I did it! I made this first batch two... keep reading
Dangerous Toxins Removed
Watch our show! Lol. So I forgot to pick a vegetable up from the grocery store one evening. When I went back out to the grocery store, I hurried to... keep reading
Time, Stop Going So Fast!
My students performing a Horror Movie skit Scary movie skit Well, Halloween (kind of) was not that long ago. I know you can't make Western traditions like they are back... keep reading
Music, Pigs' Feet, & Paddle Boats
I'm afraid you won't be doing much reading in this post. Instead, you're going to be doing some guessing, as there are only pictures, not words. You'll look at the... keep reading