South Korea Seoul
Kyleah P

Kyleah P.

English Teacher in South Korea South Korea
Hometown: Troy, MI


Welcome to my blog page!!

I am your digital tour guide as I write about my personal experience, Kyleah! 

I hope you enjoy and gain some new knowledge from what I post!



What’s Next: After Getting a Job Offer to Teach in South Korea

By Kyleah P.

YAYYY!! Congratulations! You got the job! I hope it is everything you hope for with shorter working hours, nice vacation time, decent pay, a nice apartment, and so much more... keep reading

How to Prepare for Living and Teaching South Korea

By Kyleah P.

So, you’ve made it through everything, the application process, getting TEFL certified, interviews, the visa process, and booking the flight. PHEW! Give yourself a round of applause! Preparing to teach... keep reading

Benefits of Choosing to Teach Abroad in South Korea

By Kyleah P.

To make the decision to teach abroad is hard enough, but to also try to choose a country to do it in is even harder. Each country has its own... keep reading

Top Trips to Take while Teaching in South Korea

By Kyleah P.

South Korea is approximately 38,623 square miles compared to the U.S.’s size of approximately 3,119,885 square miles. You know what this means? It means accessible traveling for tourists and English... keep reading

Challenges of Living and Teaching Abroad in South Korea

By Kyleah P.

Who thought teaching abroad was a simple and care-free decision - As if! Now, let me introduce you to some of the challenges that you can expect to encounter while... keep reading

What It’s Like to Teach English in a Private School in South Korea

By Kyleah P.

Teaching abroad can be a very exciting and rewarding opportunity. However, in order to make it to the fun part, you must first make the incredibly important decision between Public... keep reading

Cities to Visit other than Seoul

By Kyleah P.

Okay, so when you hear about South Korea, you always hear about Seoul. Everything happens in Seoul from K-dramas to concerts, from making your own custom foundation to visiting themed... keep reading

Best Apps to Download Before Coming to South Korea

By Kyleah P.

Okay, so moving abroad can feel like being hit by a train going full speed so let me help you lessen some of that damage. Here are some of the... keep reading

Things To Do In a Small City

By Kyleah P.

Sooooo, it has been a while since my last post here, but besides being busy with work I have also been busy traveling all over South Korea to give you... keep reading

Choosing Wisely

By Kyleah P.

Happy New Year!! I know it is a little late, but it’s the thought that counts :) I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New Year celebration and... keep reading

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