Teach English Abroad Blog
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Working at the Secondary Level
When choosing an age group to work with, I think it’s common to choose to work with the younger students because they are perceived as more fun or “easier to... keep reading
From Classroom to Community: An English Teacher's Daily Life in Spain
A glimpse into everyday life as a volunteer teacher in Spain!
Teaching in Spain after Teaching in the U.S.
If you are coming to Spain with some teaching experience and are expecting the school environment to be the same, it will not! However, do not be nervous because it... keep reading
My First Week as an Auxiliar de Conversación in Madrid
I didn't have a very clear idea of what to expect for my first week of working as an auxiliar de conversación. I knew the basics of the job, like... keep reading
Navigating Newness During My First Week as an Auxiliar
There is always an element of nervousness that goes along with starting a new job. During the first week of work, there are new routines, commutes, names, and logistics to... keep reading
Navigating Korean Culture in the Education System: A Guide for English Teachers
As an English teacher in South Korea, understanding Korean culture is important for creating a respectful and open learning environment. I have been lucky enough to have lived in South... keep reading
Tips for Teaching English as a Foreign Language in South Korea
For new teachers, the idea of having to teach English as a foreign language can be a bit overwhelming and confusing to wrap your head around, especially if this is... keep reading
The Realities of Teaching in Spain: My Experience
Teaching in Spain has been both rewarding and challenging. From creating engaging lessons without a formal teaching background to adapting to a fluctuating schedule, it’s been a journey of growth. One memorable activity was the "I Am More Than" project, where students of all ages drew their future aspirations and discussed their dreams. For future teachers, I recommend planning for different age groups and incorporating versatile activities to keep students engaged. Embrace the challenges, stay adaptable, and enjoy the adventure.
Hagwon Hustle: Teaching at a Private School in South Korea
If you have been thinking about teaching English in South Korea, then you have probably heard the terms private school, hagwon, EPIK, and public school thrown around. It can definitely... keep reading
Why I'm renewing my contract as a Language and Culture Assistant in Spain
In a city as surprising and beautiful as Madrid, I’m not quite ready to leave.
How to Lesson Plan for Kindergarteners in Thailand
I am not a teacher. I majored in Art History in college, so teaching in Thailand is my first time in the classroom. That said, this experience has been a... keep reading
How Different are Spanish Schools to American Schools?
My understanding of Spanish primary schools is that they are mostly very similar to schools in the United States. The children are just as adorable (and rowdy), the teachers work... keep reading
Day in the Life of Teaching English Abroad in Thailand
Fun fact: Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia not colonized by Europeans. Ancient traditions, tranquil mountain tops, sparkling beaches, and shopping malls spanning an entire block fill this... keep reading
Challenges of Living and Teaching Abroad in South Korea
Who thought teaching abroad was a simple and care-free decision - As if! Now, let me introduce you to some of the challenges that you can expect to encounter while... keep reading
Teaching Kindergarten!
Curious about what teaching kindergarten entails? This post talks about what my days usually look like as a K1 and K2 teacher in Thailand.