Welcome to Amsterdam!

Programs for this blog post

Smart Cities & Sustainability

Authored By:

Julia Kebuladze

Even though it's only been a mere few days, our global navigators are off to an amazing start here in Amsterdam. They powered through their long day of travel to make it to the StayOk Hostel, where they were treated to lunch, a walking tour of the neighborhood of Oost, and a quick orientation to start getting to know their new home city. 


No naps were had, clocks were reset, and the next morning it was an early start getting to the CIEE office and meeting the team! A quick stroll down the street took us to the beautiful University of Amsterdam where we will be having lunch every day during our time here (except for fun excursions like this week's upcoming trip to Foodhallen!). 

Walking Tour

With bellies full it was time for the main event; a walking tour of Amsterdam and it's city center! Rivers, canals, boats, bikes, we saw it all and more. Dam Square is a particular highlight our students enjoyed before they were able to enjoy the rest of their day in the city center before dinner back at StayOk. 

Dam Square

We are super excited that our global navigators are already having an amazing time, forming friendships, and playing lots of pool and card games in the StayOk lobby. Read my fellow program leaders Arianna & Alyssia blogs to read more and check back to stay updated.
